Development &
Corporate Responsibility Report 2019

Message to Stakeholders

The top priority was and still is the protection of the health and safety of all employees, associates, customers and suppliers of the Group, while simultaneously supporting local communities and vulnerable groups.

The Group at a Glance

The Group (registered headquarters at 8A Chimarras Street, Maroussi, Athens) comprises 43 companies, including the parent company, which is listed on the Athens and London Stock Exchanges. The Group enjoys a leading position in domestic marketing through its subsidiary HELLENIC FUELS & LUBRICANTS SA (EKO SA), which is active in the domestic retail market and sales of LPG, industrial, aviation & bunkering fuels, and lubricants.

Material Topics

In our Group, in accordance with our values and principles, strategy, activities, the market, neighbouring communities, and the society as a whole, we regularly redefine who our stakeholders are, namely those who are significantly influenced by and/or influence our business activities, aiming at ensuring an effective two-way communication.


Our cooperation with the broader society and the local communities that are near our industrial facilities is constant, multi-faceted and substantial. The initiatives undertaken by the Group are linked to the needs of each region and are formed through open dialogue with our stakeholders, by conducting surveys and identifying material topics, as well as through public opinion surveys, public debates and consultations.